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Department council

The Council is the planning and management authority of the Department: it validates objectives, evaluation criteria, an the three-year plan. Together with the Steering Committee, it plans, each year, the recruitment needs (structured in discipline sectors) for new professors, reasearchers, and technical- administrative staff, in orger to ensure research activity development, sustainability of the education offer, and their financial needs. Together with the resaerch and Education Committees, it organizes and manages the professors and reasearchers reasearch and education activities.


Professors and (temporary and permanent) researchers of the Department are voting members of the Council.
Moreover, the following members are elected:

  • a number of technical-administrative delegates corresponding to the 25% of the Department teaching staff (professors and reasearchers), or the whole technical-administrative staff if its number is less than the 25% of the teaching staff;
  • a number of delegates of PhD students working at the Department, corresponding to 1/3 of the total number of PhD students, provided that it is less than the 10% of the Department teaching staff; in case of consortium PhD programs, eligible PhD students must be formally associate of the Department;
  • a number of temporary collaborators delegates, corresponding to 1/3 of them, provided that it is less than the 20% of the Department teaching staff;
  • number of delegates of students enrolled at degree and master ("specialistica" or "magistrale") degree courses, provided that it is not less than the 15% of the number of Council members.

Members of the Council

Last update: 16/10/2020 10:27
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