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Administration and Accounting 

Office manager: Giuseppe Ettore Perticaro

The Administration and Accounting office for the Centre of Natural Sciences carries out administration and accountancy for all of the Centre's institutions. The office has been divided into three sections which perform the specific tasks described below. Addresses and contact information for the sections can also be found below. This page will be updated over time. 

Budget and Revenue coordinator: 

Dalben Simona

What the service does
Management of department budgets
Accountancy for research project revenue, professional agreemenets and third party services
Internal transfers 
Outgoing invoices 
Cash flow 

Who is this service for?
Teaching staff, PhD students, scholarship students at the various departments within the Centre of Natural sciences 

How to request assistance:
Write to
or visit the office in Via Valperga Caluso, 35 Turin (first floor). 
Otherwise, contact one of the following members of staff by phone. 

Ricci Alessandra
Salomone Giampiero

Goods and Services coordinator: 

Cavaglià Marilena

What the service does
Acquisition of goods and services
Incoming invoices
Management of funds for office supplies

Who is this service for?
Teaching staff, PhD students, scholarship students at the various departments within the Centre of Natural sciences 

How to request assistance:
For assistance with purchases

Write to

Or go to the Department seat in via Pessinetto 12 (1st floor) Torino, where you can find:
Giuseppe Petracca
Antonietta Pontieri

Missions and contracts coordinator: 
Scaravaglio Annalisa

Missions coordinator: Mocci Marinella

What the service does
Contracts and pay for non-permanent staff
Bursaries and research grants

Who is this service for?
Teaching staff, PhD students, scholarship students at the various departments within the Centre of Natural sciences 

How to request assistance
Write to:
Visit the office in via Pessinetto 12 Turin (1st floor)
Otherwise, phone for assistance:

Patrizia Andruetto 
Antonietta Pontieri

Teaching missions and contracts coordinator: 

Scaravaglio Annalisa

What the service does
Accountancy for teaching activities (bursaries, contracts, pay, missions)

Who is this service for?
Teaching staff, PhD students, scholarship students and temporary research associates at the various departments within the Centre of Natural sciences 

How to request assistance
Write to: 
Visit the office in Via Pietro Giuria, 15 Turin.
Otherwise phone:
Stefano Canavotto
Caprioli Mariangela
Dellapiana Debora

Last update: 08/09/2023 01:05
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